Mount Holyoke College
Recent News About Mount Holyoke College
H-1B Insights: Employers classified under Educational Services industry file 86 petitions in West Massachusetts News publication area throughout 2024
In 2024, 86 H-1B petitions were filed by employers classified under the Educational Services industry located within the West Massachusetts News publication area, as per data provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services via the H-1B Employer Data Hub.
Average cost of college education in Hampshire County rises for students in 2022-23 school year
College tuition fees rose 3.7% in Hampshire County in the 2022-23 school year, according to the latest disclosure from the National Center for Education Statistics.
Fall 2022: 47.2% of applicants to Hampshire County's 6 universities were admitted
Hampshire County's six universities admitted an estimated 47.2% of applicants for fall 2022, a decrease from the previous year.
Hampshire County colleges: Which ethnic group was most represented in 2022-23 school year's admission?
Enrollment data for the five universities in Hampshire County revealed white was the most common ethnicity among students in the 2022-23 school year, according to the latest disclosure from the National Center for Education Statistics.
Tennis team edged 5-4 at home by Connecticut College
The Mount Holyoke College tennis team met its closest competition of the year thus far as the Lyons entertained the Connecticut College Camels on Wednesday on the MHC Outdoor Tennis Courts, where the visiting Camels prevailed 5-4 in an evenly played match.
Lacrosse team beats Rhode Island College with its most goals since 2008
Lacrosse team beats Rhode Island College with its most goals since 2008
Whether in Texas, South Carolina, or Maine, spring break was a blast for Lyons teams
Whether in Texas, South Carolina, or Maine, spring break was a blast for Lyons teams
Architectural Studies Tea on March 27
Architectural Studies Tea on March 27
Mount Holyoke has shifted my perspective on the world around me
Starting in the spring semester can be complicated. Missed opportunities for early relationship building and social connections come to mind as potential barriers.
Mount Holyoke has shifted my perspective on the world around me
Starting in the spring semester can be complicated. Missed opportunities for early relationship building and social connections come to mind as potential barriers.
Four faculty members honored for teaching and scholarship
In what has become a signature College tradition, four Mount Holyoke faculty members were honored for their scholarship and teaching at a March 2 ceremony.
Inspiration from the Great Migration
Between 1910 and 1970, about six million Black Americans left the sharecropping South for better economic opportunities in the industrialized North.
Mount Holyoke graduate teacher licensing classes are online
As a nationwide teacher shortage threatens to destabilize public education, Mount Holyoke College’s teacher licensure graduate program now offers its licensure and master’s courses entirely online, having received the requisite approval from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in Massachusetts.
Summit on Women’s Leadership in Climate Justice
The Miller Worley Center for the Environment at Mount Holyoke College is hosting the Summit on Women’s Leadership in Climate Justice, a welcoming space for all genders and nonbinary people seeking to celebrate the accomplishments and vision of women in the field of climate justice.
“Funmilayo” — an opera for chorus, soloists and orchestra
The African opera series at Mount Holyoke College has become one of the signature series of the music department, produced in collaboration with the Department of Film, Media, and Theater.
Four faculty members honored for teaching and scholarship
In what has become a signature College tradition, four Mount Holyoke faculty members were honored for their scholarship and teaching at a March 2 ceremony. Receiving Meribeth E. Cameron Faculty Awards for Scholarship were Katie Berry, associate professor of biochemistry, and Iyko Day, Elizabeth C. Small Professor of English and chair of both critical social thought and English.
Inspiration from the Great Migration
Mount Holyoke professor Preston Smith spoke to the Washington Post about the Great Migration, when millions of Black Americans left the sharecropping South for economic opportunity in the North.
Mount Holyoke graduate teacher licensing classes are online
After state approval, Mount Holyoke’s graduate teaching licensure program will offer all classes online at times designed to maximize accessibility for all.
(Women's Lacrosse) Mount Holyoke College vs. Sewanee on March 13
(Women's Lacrosse) Mount Holyoke College vs. Sewanee on March 13
Sikh New Year's Day on March 14
Sikh New Year's Day on March 14