"The @DeptVetAffairs recommendation to close the Central Western Massachusetts VA Medical Center in Leeds would jeopardize veterans' access to the care they deserve. I'm leading a letter to the @SecVetAffairs to stop this closure. mcgovern.house.gov/news/documents"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from James McGovern:
"Happy Easter! I wish all those celebrating plenty of time to spend with family and friends. Easter is a special day of joy and goodwill. I hope you can share those values with those around you today and every day." on April 17Read on Twitter
"Look at these leaders! Thank you for setting an example for all of us about eating healthy local food. Together, with advocates of all ages, we will #EndHungerNow. twitter.com/bgcworcester1/" on April 17Read on Twitter
"An incredible inspiration. Thank you Chef twitter.com/chefjoseandres" on April 16Read on Twitter