James McGovern tweeted the following:
"I thought they might want to at least acknowledge that veterans with service-related cancer deserve healthcare. Right? Wrong."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from James McGovern:
"While Senate Republicans fist bumped after killing a bill to expand health care for veterans with cancer, I gave the @HouseGOP not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 chances today to say that was wrong, and that our veterans deserve care. They refused."Read on Twitter
"Constant mass shootings are a uniquely American problem.The bipartisan Safer Communities Act will provide great support to school and mental health organizations but its clear that we must go further. No more communities should be broken by massacres. nytimes.com/2022/07/20/nyr"Read on Twitter
"Assault weapons are designed to inflict maximum damage. A bullet fired by one can tear softball-sized wounds into victims. And these weapons can fire up to 60 rounds per minute. We need to get them off our streets.I will proudly vote yes on the #AssaultWeaponsBan." on July 29Read on Twitter